Acupuncture focuses on the energetic qi of the human body. The belief behind Chinese medicine is that there is a network of energy that flows through the body and that pathological conditions arise from the disruption of the natural flow of this energy. Therefore, acupuncture can be seen as effective energy medicine because it addresses this "unseen" system within the body. Western science has long disregarded acupuncture as a medical practice based on the fact that it's foundation lies on a physically intangible system of energy. The truth is that Chinese medicine has been able to tap into a subtle body system that has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments and diseases for thousands of years.
Kirlian photography utilizes high voltage, high frequency, ultra low current, electrical fields and photographic techniques to uncover subtle energy fields through photos. The biological and energetic exchanges of living objects are visible through Kirlian photography and can be compared to non-living objects through the same method. Living organisms showed proof of colored auras compared to non-living objects in which the auras were not present. Kirlian photography reveals the energetic quality inherent in all living organisms by proving that there is a life force that radiates from this energy field.
Chinese medicine has always stressed the importance of emotional health as a contributing factor in the overall health of the body. Diagnosis of a patient relies heavily on the belief that the emotions can be an internal cause of disease. Western medicine has always viewed the body and mind as separate entities that are unconnected to one another. However, this has changed in recent years since the Western medical community is seeing a link between disease and emotional health. Negative attitudes can create chronic stress which damages the immune system and depletes the body's natural stores of energy. Anger can exacerbate hypertension, cardiovascular disease and digestive disorders.
Positive intent, on the other hand, creates an emotional resistance for the body. It allows the person to be able to recover from negative situations and emotions more effectively. A positive mental attitude bolsters the body's response to the inflammatory damage from stress and has also been proven to be conducive to a longer life span.
yes! emotional health in western medicine was greatly overlooked for so long. So many illnesses that they had just deemed, "psychosomatic" because they couldn't figure out what to do to help. It makes so much sense that negative emotions can lead to physical problems and how the power of positivity can make someone feel better! We gotta manifest from the internal to change the external