Albert Einstein discovered that subatomic particles are actually vibrational waves that are the fundamental building blocks of matter.  If we are made up of these waves of energy, can we distinguish between good or bad vibrations?  We have all had the experience of being in a physical space where we felt a negative vibe about the place.  What about being at a concert and feeling a sense of euphoria when listening to the music?  There is certainly a distinction we can feel between something that has a good energy compared to the heaviness of something with a bad energy.

Consider a time when you were feeling sick.  There is a quality of very low energy within the body.  Even your mind seems to be working slowly as it feels depressed and stuck like quick sand.  Other times when you were feeling joyous about a happy event in your life, the energy level in your body seemed to be overflowing and plentiful.  Your body felt light and buoyant!  If we are all made of energy, our sensitivity to vibrations is something that is inherently innate within our very own makeup.

Resonance is the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.  The importance of sound and frequency has been understood by various schools such as the Tibetan monks and further analyzed through the study of cymatics.  Here, the effects of sound on matter are translated in a visual manner, where sound waves create their own unique shapes and patterns.  Frequencies surround us on a daily basis and are affecting us in an unseen way.  However, we can feel a certain energetic resonance on a deeper level when we connect to our experiences.  The feeling can be described as something that is meant to be or even as a deep understanding that something is true within us.

“The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan

According to Chinese philosophy, qi is the life energy or vital force that flows through all living things and permeates the universe.  In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object to perform work on or to heat the object. How does energy relate to qi?  I think that energy is qi.  Although unseen, energy is all around us.  Everything is made up of energy, including all living things. We are all a big web of interconnected energy, even though we would like to think that we are all separate beings.  Our senses perceive mass in such a way that we view each other as isolated  entities.  However, the energy of the universe is a shared pool of collective qi.


  1. I enjoyed your very concise comparison of Qi and Energy as being one in the same. I struggle to comprehend the vast and varied number of processes that Qi enables and is. It seems to me that every day in class I learn some new **qi or Qi. I am swamped by the trees, and you have quite eloquently pulled your view wider and are commenting on the forest. I dig it.


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