  1. 1. 
    the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

    Synchronicity is a term introduced by psychologist Carl Jung which holds that events are meaningful coincidences if they if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.  In other words, it is a pattern that repeats in time. Synchronicity is also an important principle in the metaphysical world. It describes a coincidence that shifts the motion of your life in a meaningful way.  Some believe that the soul uses synchronicity to attract people and events into its life in order to evolve into a higher consciousness.  The magic of this "coincidence" is that it shatters the notion that modern science has discovered all there is to know about the universe.  It also gives the person a direct spiritual encounter in which a powerful level of meaning is experienced.

    I have had many experiences with synchronicity in the past.  It is an unmistakable moment in time when the world seems to align in such a way that I feel like I am getting a powerful message from the universe.  Sometimes I feel like synchronicity is a glimpse into the full potential of our awareness and intentions.  Our capability to manifest events in the physical world is something that we have not yet learned to harness.  Instead, we usually experience synchronicity when we focus our thoughts and intentions in a naturally calibrated way.  This may seem unintentional at the time, but it may be a result of a process using unconscious manifestation.

    1. the state or extent of being connected or interconnected.

    One of the most fundamental principles of Chinese medicine is the connection between mind, body and spirit.  Western medicine tends to view each component as separate parts in order to treat each symptom rather than addressing the root problem.  However, recent research has provided evidence that integrated medicine is successful in treating illness on all levels.  Since Chinese medicine sees the human body as a microcosm of the macrocosm, our bodies are a reflection of the universe in every way.  We share elements present in the stars, the ocean and the minerals.

    Underlying the structures of the physical world, there is a universal energy that provides the connectivity of all living beings.  It is known in many world religions as the great formless mystery at the beginning of time.  The creation of the world sprung from this very formlessness and diversity was born.  Differentiation and duality in forms created an illusion of separation, when in reality we are all connected.  The connectivity of life is unmistakable and provides each of us with the psychological and emotional basis of mental health.  Therefore, the loss of connectivity results in the downward spiral of mental and psychological illness.


  1. Yes! Connectivity is so relevant to everything in existence really. We are made up of tiny molecules that is present in all living things. The evidence that we're all connected is all around us. It reminds me of how everything started with the Dao. I like the connection (no pun intended;)) you made with how connectivity is the foundation for our mental health and how an imbalance may lead to psychological illness. It makes complete sense. Our physical bodies and our mental and emotional bodies are intertwined and can't be separated from one another. We have to treat them together as one.

  2. Still, I am not sure why we have Synchronicity, and how it comes to us, but for sure I believe that we are psychologically connected to everything in our life.


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